Past never melt down:Chinese football statues
Written by Dr. Chris Stride, a researcher from University of Sheffield
原標題: Bronze Ballplayers – help identify China’s Football Statues
This article was firstly published on 19th, June in Wild East Football.
導讀: 去過沈陽五里河舊址的朋友可能對矗立在那里的2001屆國足雕塑群像記憶猶新,但國內足球主題的雕塑并不止此一處。
英國謝菲爾德大學管理學院講師Chris Stride博士正在對世界各地的足球主題雕塑整理歸檔(具體可參見。在這篇文章中, Chris Stride博士展示了他數據庫中的25處國內的足球主題雕塑,這些雕塑分別坐落在沈陽, 北京,大連, 廣州, 武漢等全國各地城市。但一個小團隊的力量終究有限,Chris Stride博士的數據庫很有可能有所遺漏。
如果您身邊有,或者您知道國內某處有這篇文章中未曾提及的足球主題雕塑,請在體壇+評論處留言, 體壇+會聯系您 ,并將信息轉達給Chris Stride博士(幫助Chris Stride博士找到一處他所不知道的足球主題雕塑,體壇+將會贈予驚喜獎品!)。
倘若您對自己的英語有自信,您也可以發郵件至info@sportingstatues.com自行聯系Chris Stride博士的團隊。
You may or may not have noticed but hiding in public parks and squares all over China are an assortment of various football-related statues. British academic Chris Stride has embarked upon a remarkable project to document all of these monuments to the sport and is appealing to Chinese readers in his quest.
Football clubs, fans, and civic authorities are increasingly celebrating heroic players through sculpture. Whilst sports statues have become a feature of most popular (and not so popular) sports, the world’s football statuary is unusual in that it reaches beyond successful nations, clubs and subjects. This includes China, which has at least 20 football statues or statues groups.
However China’s many football statues differ from the rest of the world in their subject choices, design and location. For instance they frequently depict anonymous footballers or team groups rather than individual stars, often portray players tackling, and many are located at sports training facilities
I’m currently researching and writing an academic paper about China’s football statues. I’m also keen up to update my global database which you can view at So I’d really appreciate help from Wild East readers to fill in some of the missing information on the statues I know about, pinpoint their exact locations, contribute some photos of them, and tell me about any I have not yet found!
The statues I know about are listed below. For each of these statues I’d love to know:
Who sculpted it?
When it was they unveiled – exact date is great?
What do the inscriptions say?
Also, for each statue I’d like…
Two or three photographs
A google map link for the location
Links to any online press coverage about any of these statues, or any others are also appreciated.
If you can help in any way, then please contact me on and/or leave a comment below…
The statues
A) Hui Tang Li
Yan Jian Red Square, Meizhou City, Guangzhou
B) Hui Tang Li
Unknown location
C) Hui Tang Li
Unknown location
D) The World Cup 2002 team statues and giant ‘V’
This is an extraordinary statue group and a triumphal V, originally at the Green Island training camp, now in Kepu Park in Shenzang, both statues I know a bit about.
Apparently there were originally 44 players and coaches, but some of the coaches were removed due to involvement in corruption, leaving just 32 figures
E) Anonymous players
Lvshunkou, Dalian
F) Anonymous players
G) Anonymous players
H) Anonymous player
Olympic Avenue Park, Beidaihe, Hebei
I) Anonymous players
Unknown location
J) Anonymous players
Hankou Zhongshan Park, Wuhan
This statue dates from 1965, originally made in concrete, then recast in bronze
K) Anonymous players
Shenzhen Sports School, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
L) Anonymous players
Langfang Sports Park, Langfang City, Hebei
M) Anonymous players
Unknown location
N) World Cup statue 1
Evergrande Football School, Qingyuan, Guangdong
This statue has apparently been removed on the order of FIFA
O) World Cup statue 2 (Pele and Bobby Moore)
Evergrande Football School, Qingyuan, Guangdong
P) Anonymous player
Evergrande Football School, Qingyuan, Guangdong
Q) Anonymous player
Putian City
R) Anonymous players
Unknown location
S) Anonymous players
McMahon Square, People’s Stadium, Gulangyu, Xiamen
T) Anonymous players
Unknown location
U) Anonymous players
Unknown location
V) Anonymous players
Shenzhen stadium
W) Anonymous players
Olympic Park, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China
X) Anonymous players:
Unknown location
Y) Anonymous player
Wangfujin Street, Beijing, China